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Life and health insurance

We use Aon to provide insurance solutions that will help you deal with the devastating consequences of an unexpected death, injury, life-threatening illness or permanent disability.

Aon does a full needs analysis to provide an insurance solution that’s designed for your circumstances and needs.

Discounted premiums for CEAS members

As a CEAS member you get discounted premiums and a no obligation review of any insurance policies you have already.

Personal life insurance options

Life cover

Provides a lump sum payment on the death of the person insured. You can receive early payments if you have a life expectancy of less than 12 months.

Total and permanent disablement cover

Provides a lump sum payment if you suffer a permanent injury or illness that means you can’t work again.

Trauma cover

Provides a lump sum payment when you’re diagnosed with a major or critical medical condition such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, paraplegia, or major organ transplant. There are 43 medical conditions covered.

You can be working and still get this cover.

Income protection

If you can’t work for more than 10 hours a week because of an illness or accident, income protection can give you up to 75% of your gross income plus other benefits. Waiting periods and the amount of time you’re covered for depends on your circumstances.

Private health insurance

Covers the costs of being in hospital, having surgery, being treated for cancer, or being nursed at home. You can choose your medical provider, and schedule appointments to suit your situation.

The policy covers treatment in New Zealand, and in some cases overseas.

You can also choose to have cover for specialist appointments, medical tests, GP visits, optical treatments and dental treatments.

Business life insurance options

Partnership cover

Provides a lump sum payment to help with your Buy/Sell agreement. If a business partner dies or is permanently disabled, this cover allows the other business partners to buy the deceased or disabled partner’s share.

Business expenses cover

Helps to keep your business running if you’re ill or injured and can’t work for more than 10 hours a week. If you’re a sole trader, a small business owner or if you’re in a partnership, you can claim up to $25,000 a month for up to 2 years.

Key person cover

Provides a lump sum payment to help with the impact of a key person passing away, or being seriously ill or injured. They could be a director, shareholder or the main revenue generator for your business.

How to apply

Contact Rachael Stanaway at Aon for more information: